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Spy on window function with testcafe

I want to test with testcafe if a function on a window object is executed with certain parameters. Is it possible with Testcafe?

The function call looks like this:

window.myObject.myFunction({customObject: true});


  • You can use the ClientFunction API to create a spy function in a window object. Please look at the following test example:

    import { ClientFunction } from 'testcafe';
    fixture `New Fixture`
        .page ``;
    const spyOn = ClientFunction(() => {
      // Create an array where we store information about `myFunction` calls
      window.myFunctionSpyData = [];
      // Store the original `myFunction` value
      window.orirginalFunction = window.myObject.myFunction;
      window.myObject.myFunction = function() {
        // Save data about the current call
        // Call the original `myFunction` value
    const getSpyData = ClientFunction(() => {
      // Retrieve data about myFunction calls from client
      return window.myFunctionSpyData;
    const spyOff = ClientFunction(() => {
      // Restore the original myFunction value
      window.myObject.myFunction = window.orirginalFunction;
      delete window.spyData;
    test('New Test', async t => {
        await spyOn();
        const data = await getSpyData();
        await spyOff();
        await t