I am using GraphQLClient from graphql-request
to send requests to my server. I am trying to upload a file by doing the following:
const graphQLClient = new GraphQLClient('http://localhost:4000/graphql', {
credentials: 'include',
mode: 'cors',
const source = gql`
mutation uploadImage($file: Upload!) {
uploadImage(file: $file)
const file: RcFile = SOME_FILE; // RcFile (from antd) extends File
await graphQLClient.request<{uploadImage: boolean}>(source, { file });
However, when I send a request to my server this way I get the following error:
GraphQLError: Variable \"$file\" got invalid value {}; Upload value invalid
This is what my request looks like in the console:
operations: {
"query":"\n mutation uploadProfileImage($file: Upload!){\n uploadProfileImage(file: $file)\n }\n",
map: {"1":["variables.file"]}
1: (binary)
Has anyone else had this issue? I can't seem to upload a file to my backend.
I fixed the issue by setting the uploads option to false in the ApolloServer
new ApolloServer({ schema, context, uploads: false })
And then using the graphqlUploadExpress()
middleware from graphql-upload
app.use(graphqlUploadExpress({ maxFileSize: 10000, maxFiles: 10 }));
Hopefully this helps anyone who runs into the same issue I did 😊