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Make Contract.Assert throw an exception rather than display a Dialog box

If I'm using the new Code Contracts Contract.Assert method, is it possible to make it throw an exception rather than display a dialog box? I want to do this when running unit tests on the build machine.


  • Thanks to this post on MSDN forums I've found a possible solution.

    namespace QuickGraph.Tests  
        public class AssemblyContextTest  
            public static void Initialize(TestContext ctx)  
                // avoid contract violation kill the process  
                Contract.ContractFailed += new EventHandler<ContractFailedEventArgs>(Contract_ContractFailed);  
            static void Contract_ContractFailed(object sender, System.Diagnostics.Contracts.ContractFailedEventArgs e)  
                Assert.Fail("{0}: {1} {2}", e.FailureKind, e.Message, e.Condition);  

    This appears to work.