I have a table with variable names usually spelt with superscript or subscript numbers. I'm using R package {gtsummary}
to automatically create the table from select columns of a data frame/tibble.
Say this is the tibble:
lm_1 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time, flights)
tbl_1 <- tbl_regression(lm_1, exponentiate = F,
label = list(
air_time ~ "Air Time"
)) %>%
add_glance_source_note(include = c('r.squared'))
… but I need to write this as Airtime (HTML Air<sup>time</sup>
or Markdown Air~time~
In {gtsummary}
, specifying the label
argument in HTML or Markdown doesn't work for me:
tbl_1 <- tbl_regression(lm_1, exponentiate = F,
label = list(
air_time ~ "Air<sup>time</sup>",
sched_dep_time ~ "Departure^time^"
)) %>%
add_glance_source_note(include = c('r.squared'))
I've tried wrapping the strings in gt::html()
or gt::md()
but it didn't change anything:
tbl_1 <- tbl_regression(lm_1, exponentiate = F,
label = list(
air_time ~ html("Air<sup>time</sup>"),
sched_dep_time ~ md("Departure^time^")
)) %>%
add_glance_source_note(include = c('r.squared'))
Would it be possible to use HTML and/or Markdown in gtsummary
tables? Thanks!
To 100% honest, I don't know why this solution works...but it does! The {gt} package has a function called fmt_markdown()
that is meant to convert markdown syntax to the specified output type. BUT in your example, the markdown superscript is not recognized (more on why here https://github.com/rstudio/gt/issues/129#issuecomment-663753251). BUUUUT, when I apply that function to your HTML tag superscripts, they are recognized and you get the output you're looking for.
lm_1 <- lm(arr_delay ~ air_time + sched_dep_time , flights)
label = list(air_time ~ "Air<sup>time</sup>",
sched_dep_time ~ "Departure<sup>time</sup>")) %>%
add_glance_source_note(include = 'r.squared') %>%
as_gt() %>%
gt::fmt_markdown(columns = vars(label))