Using Perl's Net::Telnet module to retrieve data from upsd. There is one particular function I'm trying to implement, retrieving the data for a single var. The problem is only a single line is output, and that line is used to match Prompt, so it is not output.
Here's raw telnet:
telnet dns1 3493
Connected to dns1.
Escape character is '^]'.
get var cp1500 ups.test.result
VAR cp1500 ups.test.result "Done and passed"
Connection closed by foreign host.
Here's some code:
use strict;
use warnings;
use Net::Telnet;
my $host = "dns1";
my $model = "cp1500";
my $bvar = "ups.test.result";
my $t = new Net::Telnet (Timeout => 3, Port => 3493, Prompt => "/VAR $model $bvar/");
my @ary = $t->cmd("get var $model $bvar");
print @ary,"\n";
This just prints the newline as the array is empty. Prompt is matched else there'd be a timeout error. How can I get that single line of output back for processing in the script?
This is my solution, use Socket instead of Net::Telnet.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Socket;
my $host = 'str003';
my $port = 3493;
my $model = 'cp1350';
my $quer = 'get var';
my $bvar = 'ups.test.result';
my ($sock,$iaddr,$paddr,$send);
$iaddr = inet_aton($host);
$paddr = sockaddr_in($port, $iaddr);
$send = join(' ',$quer,$model,$bvar);
socket($sock, AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 6) or die $!;
connect($sock , $paddr) or die "connect failed : $!";
send($sock , "$send\nlogout\n" , 0);
while (my $line = <$sock>)
if ($line =~ /^VAR/) {
print "$line\n";
This is the one where one line of data is returned:
VAR cp1350 ups.test.result "Done and passed"