My team mate created a feature branch from our master branch. I created my own feature branch based off of team mate's feature branch. i.e.
Team mate:
git checkout master
git checkout -b teammateA-feature-branch
What I did:
git checkout teammateA-feature-branch
git pull
git checkout -b teammateB-feature-branch
I made my changes into teammateB-feature-branch and committed them. Now, how would I create a PR such that my committed changes gets merged to team mate's remote branch i.e. teammateB-feature-branch merging into teammateA-feature-branch?? Any thoughts??
You can do this locally using Git bash:
git checkout teammateA-feature-branch
git merge teammateB-feature-branch
Then, push changes to teammateA-feature-branch
git push origin teammateA-feature-branch:teammateA-feature-branch
If these branches are available remotely (and locally), you can do the following:
with teammateB-feature-branch