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Parse data from Soap Envelop request

I have soap envelope request and I want to extract some data from element.

Below is a soap envelope request in a string format and I want to extract data that is resides under "<![CDATA[[datafile]". Is there any way I can do that?

<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:ns="" xmlns:aaa="http://Life/PolicyDetails/3" xmlns:date="">
                    <ns:TXLifeResponse PrimaryObjectID="Holding_1">
                        <ns:TransType tc="201">Inforce Policy Inquiry</ns:TransType>
                        <ns:TransMode tc="2">Original</ns:TransMode>
                        <ns:NoResponseOK tc="0">False</ns:NoResponseOK>
                        <ns:TestIndicator tc="0">False</ns:TestIndicator>           
                        <ns:OLifEExtension VendorCode="AG" ExtensionCode="INI">
Agent.CityState=ATLANTA, GA
Agent.Name=YRVFL KYCHBPO K               
Agent.StrAddr=4286 DIGKGWZ DNVK KO DYG 202            

Below is the code I wrote to parse data but I am getting null reference exception.

string contents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\reg\CaReg-output1.txt");
                var document = XDocument.Parse(contents);
                string url = "";
                var ns = XNamespace.Get(url);
                var xElements = document.Element(ns+"OLifEExtension").Value.ToString();


  • Try following :

               string contents = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(@"C:\Users\reg\CaReg-output1.txt");
                XDocument document = XDocument.Parse(contents);
                XElement root = document.Root;
                XNamespace ns = root.GetNamespaceOfPrefix("ns");
                List<string> OLifEExtension = document.Descendants(ns + "OLifEExtension").Select(x => (string)x).ToList();