I am having a bit of a hard time explaining the logic I want to achieve in the title.
Anyway, I have a database containing two tables (rent and car).
The car table contains data about cars (license number and such) and currently is:
The rent table contains data about rents went in the rental agency:
cid, rno, lno, fromdate, todate, wid, amount
I want to query the cid, rno (client_id, request number) that ordered in this specific request cars from all companies available (ford and renault).
I achieved it by creating an array of companies rented for every cid,rno and compared it to an array of all companies available:
with all_companies as (
select array_agg(distinct comp) as all_distinct_companies
from car
rents_and_companies as (
select cid, rno, array_agg(distinct comp) as rent_all_companies
from rent,
where rent.lno = car.lno
group by cid, rno)
select *
from rents_and_companies
where rent_all_companies = (select all_distinct_companies from all_companies)
returns 55,1,"{Ford,renault}"
because client 55 ordered in request 1 a car from ford and renault (12345678, 13371337).
problem is, I am not allowed to use array_agg
in class, what is an other way to achieve this functionality?
If you want to avoid array aggregation, you could write the query as follows:
select r.cid, r.rno
from rent r
inner join car c on c.lno = r.lno
group by r.cid, r.rno
having count(distinct c.comp) = (select count(distinct comp) from car)