I have two classes, A and B. Both have a foo method. In some cases, i wan't my class C to inherit foo (and other methods) from A in other cases from B. In the code example, C will always have the foo method from A:
class A:
def foo(self):
class B:
def foo(self):
class C(A, B):
How can i choose which foo method to inherit? like:
class C(A,B):
def __init__(self, inherit_from):
if inherit_from == "A":
# inherit methods from A
elif inherit_from == "B":
# inherit methods from B
You don't want to make C
a subclass, but rather a superclass, and make the decision of which type of object to create at the time you initialize the object, rather than when you define the class:
from abc import abstractmethod
class C:
def foo(self) -> None:
class A(C):
def foo(self):
class B(C):
def foo(self):
inherit_from = input("What type of C should I foo?")
if inherit_from == 'A':
c: C = A()
elif inherit_from == 'B':
c = B()
raise ValueError(f"unknown C subclass {inherit_from}")
Note that this is really only important if you're using type checking (i.e. you want to be able to guarantee that c
is going to be an object that implements a foo
method -- the C
superclass gives you a way to do that without specifying ahead of time whether it's an A
or B
). If you're not using type checking, then you can just skip defining class C