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Have different Android lintOptions for different gradle tasks

I want to run the Android Lint both locally (IDE) and on the CI.

I have a task like this, which I want the abortOnError as true when run on CI but false when ran locally.

task lintCI {

outputs.upToDateWhen { false }

subprojects.each { project ->
    dependsOn(project.tasks.matching { ( == 'lint') })

I have tried {
    lintOptions {
      warningsAsErrors true
      abortOnError false

but I am getting Android tasks have already been created.

Any Idea how to change these options per task ?


  • So for anyone searching for an answer to this, I failed to "override" this setting, but I was able to separate the behavior between the local machiene and the CI by adding a check of an environment variable (isCI), and based on this condition I was setting the abortOnError.