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How to log QuickFix message in human-readable format

I want to log QuickFix messages in sort of parsed mode like tagname,Value

I cannot find existing functionality. I am using QuickFix.Net.

I was thinking about providing some sort of method that would iterate through all presenting tags and parse them using data dictionary.


  • There is no method in quickfix to parse the message in human readable format. Another option is when you handle an incoming FIX message in onMessage, you would anyway parse it to read the message. Here you can list down the tagname and values to a file or DB. But any operation to do so may slow down your Quickfix engine, because writing to a file or DB is always slow. So BEWARE !!

    Another option is log your messages to your DB instead of a file and then do all your stuff in the DB, but that would mean parsing a message twice i.e. in your engine and DB. But you would get a lot more flexibilty about what you want to read and what not to.