Legacy ListPreference in Android comes with:
protected void onPrepareDialogBuilder(android.app.AlertDialog.Builder builder)
That could be use to modify rows in the displayed dialog... see custom row in a listPreference?
This method is not available anymore in the androidx.preference library wondering how to achieve rows customization in the displayed dialog when using androidx.preference support library?
One should override PreferenceFragmentCompat#onDisplayPreferenceDialog(preference: Preference)
to display a custom preference dialog :
override fun onDisplayPreferenceDialog(preference: Preference) {
if (preference.key == MY_CUSTOM_DIALOG_KEY) {
if (parentFragmentManager.findFragmentByTag(DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG) != null) {
// already displayed to user
MyCustomPreferenceDialogFragment.newInstance(preference.key).let {
it.setTargetFragment(this, 0)
it.show(parentFragmentManager, DIALOG_FRAGMENT_TAG)
} else {
To implement your custom preference dialog fragment, you can have a look at implementations from support library :