I have a preset SQL-query and the result set stored in an array that I'd like to filter for further processing with documentIDs from a separate file content (*.txt)
The result set contains a documentID and a dateStored attribute. The seapare file contains document IDs on each line.
# compare filecontent and sql reply
"INFO:`tReporting File is not empty." | Write-Logfile
if($sql_reply.Length -gt 0) {
$missing_in_db = [string[]](Compare-Object $filecontent $sql_reply.documentId | Where {$_.sideindicator -eq "<="} | % {$_.inputobject})
echo Missing: `t $missing_in_db
$exist_in_db = [string[]](Compare-Object $filecontent $sql_reply.documentId -IncludeEqual -ExcludeDifferent | Where {$_.sideindicator -eq "=="} | % {$_.inputobject})
echo Exists: `t$exist_in_db
#Need adivce/help with this part:
$filteredResultSet = $sql_reply | where{$sql_reply.documentID in $exist_in_db}
Either I need the $exist_in_db array to have all the $sql_reply attributes or to filter the original $sql_reply with the matching document IDs out from $filecontent. Any tips on how to achieve that?
Edit: Thanks for the hint MBo! This is how I set in place working as intended:
$mailbody += "<table>
foreach($e in $exist_in_db) {
$mailbody += "<tr>
<td>" + $sql_reply.Where({$_.documentID -eq $e}).documentId + "</td>
<td>" + $sql_reply.Where({$_.documentID -eq $e}).itemname + "</td>
<td>" + $sql_reply.Where({$_.documentID -eq $e}).datestored.toString("dd.MM.yyyy HH:mm:ss") + "</td>
e.g loop throught the exist in db and find the corresponding object in the sql reply like:
$sql_reply = ConvertFrom-Csv @'
foreach ($s in $exist_in_db)
$sql_reply.Where({$_.Size -eq $s}).Name
$sql_reply.Where({$_.Size -eq $s}).Article