The data is in the following format, where i have to group_by it using Date. For convenience i have shown it as numbers.
Msg <- c("Errors","Errors", "Start","Stop","Start","Stop","Errors","Errors","Start","Stop",
"Stop" ,"Start","Errors","Start","Stop","Start" ,"Stop" ,
"Errors", "Start","Errors","Stop", "Start", "LostControl","LostControl", "Errors",
"Failed", "Stop", "Start","Failed","Stop","Stop","Start","Stop","Start","Error","Start",
"Failed", "Stop")
Date <- c(11,11,11,11,11,11,11,12,12,12,12,12,12,14,14,14,14, 19,19,19,19,
data<- data.frame(Msg,Date)
I need to count the number of Failed in each START-STOP cycle, summarized by Date.
The data has three types of Messages.
Errors and Failed are two type of Failure msgs, whereas LostControl is not a Failure.
The condition is that a Failed msg shall not be preceded by a LostControl msg in that START-STOP cycle. If it is preceded by Errors only, it is Failure.
Also, If only a "Errors" msg is found, it is also not counted as a Failure.
Edit: In the Msg vector, a START_STOP cycle is from extreme start to extreme stop iff two Starts or stops are found. If a START does not have a STOP follwing, it is ignored.
Edit one row added as - (Msg =Stop, Date=20)
We can modify that function I wrote in your post yesterday.
between_valid_anchors <- function(x, bgn = "Start", end = "Stop") {
are_anchors <- x %in% c(bgn, end)
xid <- seq_along(x)
id <- xid[are_anchors]
x <- x[are_anchors]
start_pos <- id[which(x == bgn & c("", head(x, -1L)) %in% c("", end))]
stop_pos <- id[which(x == end & c(tail(x, -1L), "") %in% c("", bgn))]
if (length(start_pos) < 1L || length(stop_pos) < 1L)
xid %in% unlist(mapply(`:`, start_pos, stop_pos))
Then just
data %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
filter(between_valid_anchors(Msg)) %>%
summarise(Msg = sum(Msg %in% c("Err", "Errors", "Failed")))
`summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# A tibble: 6 x 2
Date Msg
<dbl> <int>
1 11 0
2 12 0
3 14 0
4 19 1
5 21 1
6 22 2
You can add one more filter to select only the messages of interest (i.e. Start, Stop, Failed, LostControl). Then, just sum all Msg == "Failed"
but not lag(Msg) == "LostControl"
data %>%
group_by(Date) %>%
filter(between_valid_anchors(Msg)) %>%
filter(Msg %in% c("Start", "Stop", "Failed", "LostControl")) %>%
summarise(Msg = sum(Msg == "Failed" & lag(Msg, default = "") != "LostControl"))
`summarise()` ungrouping output (override with `.groups` argument)
# A tibble: 7 x 2
Date Msg
<dbl> <int>
1 11 0
2 12 0
3 14 0
4 19 0
5 20 0
6 21 1
7 22 1