I'm creating a small project with Room and three tables (jobs, tags, categories).
I'm having some trouble trying to model all the data, especially when it comes to the relationships between the entities. More concretely, I have:
fun JobListing.toJobEntityList(): List<JobEntity> {
val jobEntityList = mutableListOf<JobEntity>()
this.jobs.take(50).forEach { job: Job ->
jobId = job.id,
title = job.title,
url = job.url,
companyName = job.companyName,
jobType = job.jobType,
publicationDate = job.publicationDate,
relocation = job.candidateRequiredLocation,
salary = job.salary
return jobEntityList
This extension function is being called when I'm fetching the data from the network, so I can convert it to entities and store them in my DB.
I'm essentially creating a JobEntity
, but a job should have 1 category and 0..N tags associated. The problem is that I don't know how to add that data related to the relationship between a job and its category and tags.
This is my JobEntity
tableName = "Jobs",
indices = [
Index("id", unique = true)
data class JobEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") val jobId: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "title") val title: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "url") val url: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "company_name") val companyName: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "job_type") val jobType: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "publication_date") val publicationDate: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "candidate_required_location") val relocation: String,
@ColumnInfo(name = "salary") val salary: String
Thanks in advance!
Hi you should model your database like this:
@Entity(tableName = "Category")
data class CategoryEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") val id: Int,
@Entity(tableName = "Tags")
data class TagEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") val id: Int,
tableName = "Jobs",
foreignKeys = [ForeignKey(entity = CategoryEntity::class, parentColumns = ["id"], childColumns = ["categoryid"])]
data class JobEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") val id: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "categoryid", index = true) val categoryid: Int,
// ... other fields
tableName = "JobTags",
foreignKeys = [
ForeignKey(entity = TagEntity::class, parentColumns = ["id"], childColumns = ["tagId"]),
ForeignKey(entity = JobEntity::class, parentColumns = ["id"], childColumns = ["jobId"]),
data class JobTagEntity(
@PrimaryKey @ColumnInfo(name = "id") val id: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "tagId", index = true) val tagId: Int,
@ColumnInfo(name = "jobId", index = true) val jobId: Int,