I had stuck with Google Cloud Storage and os.create()
This is my example code
func upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// some process request msg, decode base64 to image byte
// create image file in current directory with os.create()
path := os.create("shop_logo.jpeg")
bucket := client.Bucket("myBucket")
write := bucket.Object(path).NewWriter(ctx)
Create file with directory
func upload(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
// some process request msg, decode base64 to image byte
// create image file in current directory with os.create()
path := os.create("home/../project/repo/shop_logo.jpeg") //absolute path
bucket := client.Bucket("myBucket")
write := bucket.Object(path).NewWriter(ctx)
Acutally everything it work, like mybucket/shop_logo.jpeg
But I want to organize the bucket path such as mybucket/shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg
But the I used the os.create()
like os.create("shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg)
It's can't work, look like this function can't create the folder.
but when I used the Absolute Path It's work. like os.create("/home/project/shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg)
The problem is bucket.Object("path/to/image_file")
is require the path of file.
So If I used the Absolute Path to upload it.
My bucket will be myBucket/home/project/shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg
But the thing that I expect it is mybucket/shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg
Anyone have idea?
Oh, I just found the os.create()
can create directory also.
It my fault like this
inputPath := "/shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg"
The application will error, can't find blah blah.
I just have to remove the first slash of inputPath variable
inputPath := "shop_v1/shop_logo.jpeg"
Now it work!.