My triangle drawing is appearing lopsided, how I make it proportional?
points = np.array([[x, 10], [x/2, 10], [x+1/2, np.sqrt(5**2 - 2**2)]])
pivot = plt.Polygon(points, closed = True)
If the slanted side is 5 long, and the triangle has height 2, half the width will be sqrt(5**2 + 2**2)
. Putting the left corner at position x,y
, the right corner will be at the same y
and the width added to x
. The central point will be at x
plus half the width and y+height
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np'dark_background')
slanted_side = 5
height = 2
halfwidth = np.sqrt(slanted_side ** 2 - height ** 2)
y = 10
fig, axes = plt.subplots()
# x = self.target_location
x = 3
pivot_left = (x, y)
pivot_right = (x + 2 * halfwidth, y)
pivot_top = (x + halfwidth, y + height)
points = np.array([pivot_left, pivot_right, pivot_top])
pivot = plt.Polygon(points, closed=True)
axes.set_xlim(0, 20)
axes.set_ylim(0, 20)
axes.set_aspect('equal') # equal distances in x and y directions