I got a hard problem in python for my last question of project.
Imagine you get a file like it :
1 2
2 3
3 4
if node 1 is linked to node 2 by an edge then 2 is accessible by a path of length 1 from 1: 1-2
if 1 is linked to 2 itself to 3 and itself to 4 then 4 is accessible by a path of length 4 from 1: 1-2-3-4
I want to return the number of nodes accessible from a given node by a path of length 3 by default
thanks for advice and help !!!!
def bfs(graph, start_node, distance):
if distance == 0:
return [start_node]
visited = []
queue = []
nodes_at_dist = []
level = 0
queue.append((start_node, level))
First, we rebuild the data structure to simplify the lookup, i.e., which nodes are reachable. I assume that our graph is undirected.
graph = [(1, 2), (2, 3), (3, 4), (1, 4), (2, 6), (6, 7)]
# we restructure our input to simplify the lookup
graph_dict = {}
for n1, n2 in graph:
if n1 not in graph_dict:
graph_dict[n1] = set()
if n2 not in graph_dict:
graph_dict[n2] = set()
As a result, we have a dict
where the keys are all existing nodes and the corresponding value is a set of all nodes which are directly connected:
{1: {2, 4}, 2: {1, 3, 6}, 3: {2, 4}, 4: {1, 3}, 6: {2, 7}, 7: {6}}
The next part is essentially our method which finds the reachable nodes in respect of a fixed distance:
def bfs(graph_dict, start_node, distance):
# We reached the end and return the current node
if distance == 0:
return {start_node}
# We look-up all nodes which are reachable with one step
reachable = graph_dict[start_node]
# Now we iterate through this set and call our method again (recursively)
for node in reachable:
tmp=bfs(graph_dict, node, distance-1)
return result
Example Output 1: distance=2, start_node=1
{1, 3, 6}
Please note that "1" is in our result set because we can walk 1-2-1 (which are two steps).
Example Output 2: distance=3, start_node=1
{2, 4, 7}
Please note that "2" is in our result set because we can walk 1-2-1-2 (which are three steps).