Suppose I'm creating a simple interpreter that can throw errors, e.g.
type Error = String
data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term
eval :: (MonadError Error m) => Term -> m Int
eval (Con a) = return a
eval (Div u v) = do
a <- eval u
b <- eval v
if b == 0 then
throwError "Division by zero"
return $ a `div` b
A typical choice of a concrete error handler, would be Either Error
runEval :: Term -> Either Error Int
runEval = eval
Suppose now that I want to extend this interpreter to handle non-determinism. For example, I can add a term Choice Term Term
that can either evaluate to its first or second argument.
data Term = Con Int | Div Term Term | Choice Term Term
I could then represent a concrete evaluation as [Either Error Int]
, where each item in the list represents a possible evaluation. However, I'm struggling how I can add the Choice
case to my eval
function without modifying the Con
and Div
eval :: (MonadError Error m, MonadPlus m) => Term -> m Int
-- The Con and Div cases remain unchanged.
eval (Choice u v) = do
w <- return u `mplus` return v -- pick either u or v
eval w
runEval :: Term -> [Either Error Int]
runEval = runExceptT . eval
However, this only returns the first possible outcome, and doesn't backtrack.
> let t = Con 1 `Div` (Choice (Con 0) (Con 1))
> runEval t
[Left "Division by zero"]
What I expected: [Left "Division by zero", Right 1]
What is the right way to combine non-determinism and error-handling?
The root of the problem is the MonadPlus
instance for ExceptT
(Monad m, Monoid e) => MonadPlus (ExceptT e m)
It doesn't piggyback on a MonadPlus
instance of the base monad m
. Instead of that, it requires a Monoid
instance from the error e
And mplus
doesn't return the collection of all failures and successes. Instead of that, it returns either the first success or the monoidal combination of all the failures:
ghci> throwError ['a'] `mplus` throwError ['b'] :: Except String ()
ExceptT (Identity (Left "ab"))
ghci> throwError ['a'] `mplus` throwError ['b'] `mplus` return () :: Except String ()
ExceptT (Identity (Right ()))
ghci> return 'a' `mplus` return 'b' :: ExceptT () [] Char
ExceptT [Right 'a']
What we could try is to define our own monad having the MonadPlus
instance we want (while reusing all other instances from ExceptT
through deriving
, to avoid boilerplate).
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DerivingStrategies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Trans
import Control.Monad.Except
newtype OopsT e m a = OopsT { runOopsT :: ExceptT e m a }
deriving stock (Show)
deriving newtype (Show,Functor,Applicative,Monad,MonadError e,MonadTrans)
-- We delegate on the Alternative/Monadplus instance of the base monad m
instance MonadPlus m => Alternative (OopsT e m) where
empty = OopsT (ExceptT empty)
OopsT (ExceptT xs) <|> OopsT (ExceptT ys) = OopsT (ExceptT (xs <|> ys)
instance MonadPlus m => MonadPlus (OopsT e m) where
mzero = empty
mplus = (<|>)
runEval :: Term -> [Either Error Int]
runEval = runExceptT . runOopsT . eval
Now it seems to work as intended:
ghci> let t = Con 1 `Div` (Choice (Con 0) (Con 1))
ghci> runEval t
[Left "Division by zero",Right 1]
One potentially troubling aspect of the MonadPlus
instance for OopsT
is that it doesn't seem to satisfy the v >> mzero = mzero
law mentioned in the documentation. For example:
ghci> (mzero :: OopsT Char [] Int)
OopsT {runOopsT = ExceptT []}
ghci> throwError 'c' >> (mzero :: OopsT Char [] Int)
OopsT {runOopsT = ExceptT [Left 'c']}
Perhaps we could use the equivalent Alternative
instance instead, which doesn't seem to require that law?