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How to find the MD5 fingerprint of my Android App

I'm trying to sign up for Android Google Maps and which requests MD5 fingerprint. How to get the fingerprint out of my application??

I'm newbie to keystore and couldn't understand a thing i find online. so simple instructions appreciated

Thanks in advance


  • You will be needing two keystores.

    One for debug purpose and One for release purpose.

    While you are developing your application via eclipse and debugging it on simulator or device. You will be needing debug keystores. Otherwise you will not be able to see the map. debug keystore is already present into your system.

    Try finding them at

    Windows Vista: C:\Users\<user>\.android\debug.keystore
    Windows XP: C:\Documents and Settings\<user>\.android\debug.keystore
    OS X and Linux: ~/.android/debug.keystore

    Open console/terminal on to the above location where debug.keystore file is present and execute

    keytool -list -keystore debug.keystore

    Output will be like (press simply enter when password is asked)

    rohit@Desktop:~/.android$ keytool -list -keystore debug.keystore
    Enter keystore password:  
    *****************  WARNING WARNING WARNING  *****************
    * The integrity of the information stored in your keystore  *
    * has NOT been verified!  In order to verify its integrity, *
    * you must provide your keystore password.                  *
    *****************  WARNING WARNING WARNING  *****************
    Keystore type: JKS
    Keystore provider: SUN
    Your keystore contains 1 entry
    androiddebugkey, 19 Apr, 2011, PrivateKeyEntry, 
    Certificate fingerprint (MD5): 00:35:C2:48:65:43:CG:55:41:11:16:F1:4C:11:82:C5

    Copy this MD5 fingerprint value and go to

    You will get Map Keys On successful signup. Put those in the MapView Element of your view.

    For release

    You need to generate your own keystore and need to get Map keys for the same. else you will not be able to see map on deployment of your apk onto the device.

    Create a new keystore of your own and follow the same procedure for the generated keystore. Its very easy to generate keystore also. I simply export my android application via eclipse and it then do everything by itself.

    Hope it helps :)