I am trying to run docker load
in a remote server. here is my code
plink.exe -ssh myuser@ -pw mypass -no-antispoof "echo mypass | sudo -S docker load < my-server-code.tar 2> /dev/null"
however the image doesnt get loaded
however when I run
echo mypass | sudo -S docker load < my-server-code.tar
from the remote server it works I do observer there are alot of loadings going on like the following
is that affecting the remote call?
To assign the docker group to your user (please note that there might be some security concerns in doing this):
usermod -G docker $(whoami)
To load the images, you can use:
docker load -i filename.tar
Another possible approach might be to define the command in the sudoers file. Check the /etc/sudoers
and add something like this:
Cmnd_Alias DOCKER_LOAD_CMD = docker load -i file.tar
If you plan to follow this, you should check very carefully with a second terminal open if there are errors of any kind (you might break the sudo functionality and that's not fun)