I'm writing a program with a text file in java, what I need to do is to modify the specific string in the file. For example, the file has a line(the file contains many lines)like "username,password,e,d,b,c,a" And I want to modify it to "username,password,f,e,d,b,c" I have searched much but found nothing. How to deal with that?
In general you can do it in 3 steps:
You can search for instruction of every step at Stackoverflow.
Here is a possible solution working directly on the Stream:
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String inputFile = "C:\\Users\\geheim\\Desktop\\lines.txt";
String outputFile = "C:\\Users\\geheim\\Desktop\\lines_new.txt";
try (Stream<String> stream = Files.lines(Paths.get(inputFile));
FileOutputStream fop = new FileOutputStream(new File(outputFile))) {
stream.map(line -> line += " manipulate line as required\n").forEach(line -> {
try {
} catch (IOException e) {