I can't use Sets because:
Using only the endpoints of the of the ranges, is there an optimal way to subtract two lists of ranges?
r1 = (1, 1000), (1100, 1200)
r2 = (30, 50), (60, 200), (1150, 1300)
r1 - r2 = (1, 29), (51, 59), (201, 1000), (1100, 1149)
The interval package may provide all that you need.
from interval import Interval, IntervalSet
r1 = IntervalSet([Interval(1, 1000), Interval(1100, 1200)])
r2 = IntervalSet([Interval(30, 50), Interval(60, 200), Interval(1150, 1300)])
print(r1 - r2)
>>> [1..30),(50..60),(200..1000],[1100..1150)