I have quite a complex web application. I need to sanitize all variables that are sent to view (MVC architecture) with the htmlspecialchars() function to prevent XSS attack. Since it isn't just primitive data types I send to a view, I am implementing a function which goes through an array of variables and sanitizes each of them in a different way, according to their type (I'm using gettype() to distinguish it).
My question is if I need to sanitize DateTime objects somehow when I echo their content by their format() method. Can DateTime objects be misused for XSS attacks somehow, or are their considered safe?
I guess that I should pass only primitive data types to my views, but I kinda need to pass objects too.
This is the function I use:
private function sanitize(array $data)
foreach ($data as $propertyName => $propertyValue)
if (gettype($propertyValue) === 'array')
//Sanitize each element of the array by recursion
$data[$propertyName] = $this->sanitize($data[$propertyName]);
else if (gettype($propertyValue) === 'NULL')
//NULL can stay NULL
else if ($propertyValue instanceof DatabaseItem)
//Sanitize instances of my custom class DatabaseItem
else if ($propertyValue instanceof DateTime)
//TODO - is DateTime safe?
//boolean, integer, double, string
$data[$propertyName] = htmlspecialchars($propertyValue, ENT_QUOTES);
return $data;
Short: Yes. If your value wouldn't be a date, it would just cause an error:
$d=new DateTime (" <script> malicious </script>");
echo $d->format("y");
/*will cause something like
Fatal error: Uncaught Exception: DateTime::__construct(): Failed to parse time string ( <script> malicious </script>)*/