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TypeError: Cannot read property 'setTransform' of null when using Openlayers and Jest + Enzyme

Currently using the OpenLayers ExtentInteraction and when I run my tests I manage to get the error as run test with jest:

TypeError: Cannot read property 'setTransform' of null

with the following code:

import ExtentInteraction from 'ol/interaction/Extent';

new ExtentInteraction({
  // option

Error Below

Any suggestions as it's getting late and I'm weary. Thanks in advance.


  • The issue here is that jsdom browser doesn't support canvas API so in order to fix this you can install this dev dependency jest-canvas-mock to add canvas api to jsdom window. Here is a few steps:


    yarn add -D jest-canvas-mock
    // or npm
    npm i -D jest-canvas-mock

    Add this package as your setupFiles of jest:

      setupFiles: ['jest-canvas-mock']

    That's it!