I try to save all the variable state at a point in a file and restore all the saved variable when needed. I don't see how to achieve the RestoreState
and keeping the variable type, maybe someone has already done that ?
# script.csh
local a,b
@ a = 1
@ b = "hello"
proc SaveState ()
local > backup.txt
endproc # SaveState
proc RestoreState ()
# If file backup.txt exists
if (-e backup.txt) then
echo -- "----- Restore saved state -----"
end # if
endproc # RestoreState
@ b = "world"
# list variables, should print 1 and "hello"
Edit: "1" == 1
so it is not necessary to keep variable type
I found a solution by using sed and by saving the backup.txt
file in a format that can be read by the source
proc SaveState ()
local | sed 's/^^\([a-zA-Z0-9_]*\)[\t ]*\(.*\)$/@ \1 = "\2"/' > backup.txt
endproc # SaveState
proc RestoreState ()
# If file backup.txt exists
if (-e backup.txt) then
source backup.txt
end # if
endproc # RestoreState