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Invalid dropzone element

This application is build in Laravel 7, I have the javascript pulled in with webpack. When I try to create a new Dropzone element it gives me this error: Uncaught Error: Invalid dropzone element. . This is my JavaScript code:

window.Dropzone = require('dropzone/dist/dropzone.js');
Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
$(function () {
  if (document.getElementById('pdfDropzone')) {
    var myDropzone = new Dropzone("div#pdfDropzone", { url: "/success" });
    Dropzone.options.pdfDropzone = {
      paramName: "file", // The name that will be used to transfer the file
      maxFilesize: 2, // MB
      acceptedFiles: ".pdf", //
      accept: function (file, done) {
    $("#pdfButton").click(function (e) {

This is the HTML:

            <form action="/success" id="pdfDropzone" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" class="dropzone pdf-drop row align-content-center">
                <button class="dz-button col-2" id="pdfButton">
                    <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i><br>
                <div class="dz-message col-8 align-self-center">Drag PDF file here or click to browse </div>
                <div class="fallback">
                    <input name="file" type="file" />

How can I remove this error?


  • I fixed this by creating 2 new forms like so:

    <form action="/pdf_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" id="pdfDropzone" class="uploadzone pdf-drop row align-content-center">
    <!-- Dropzone pdf-->
    <button class="dz-button col-2">
    <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i><br>
    <div class="dz-message col-8 align-self-center">Drag PDF file here or click to browse </div>
    <div class="fallback">
    <input name="pdf_file" type="file" />
    <!-- End Dropzone -->
    <!-- Dropzone tumbnail-->
    <form action="/image_upload" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post" id="imgDropzone" class="uploadzone img-drop col justify-content-center">
    <button class="dz-button">
    <i class="far fa-file-alt"></i><br>
    jpg, png, jpeg
    <div class="dz-message align-self-center">Drag image file here or<br>click to browse</div>
    <div class="fallback">
    <input name="image_file" type="file" />
    <!-- End Dropzone -->

    Then in app.js I added this:

    $(function () {
        Dropzone.autoDiscover = false;
        var dropzoneOptionsPdf = {
            paramName: "file",
            maxFilesize: 20, // MB
            addRemoveLinks: true,
            acceptedFiles: "application/pdf",
            init: function () {
                this.on("maxfilesexceeded", function (file) {
        var dropzoneOptionsImage = {
            paramName: "file",
            maxFilesize: 20, // MB
            addRemoveLinks: true,
            acceptedFiles: "image/*",
            init: function () {
                this.on("success", function (file) {
                    console.log("success > " +;
        var pdfDropzone = new Dropzone("#pdfDropzone", dropzoneOptionsPdf);
        var imgDropzone = new Dropzone("#imgDropzone", dropzoneOptionsImage);

    I hope this helps someone with the same problem!