I need to make a connection between NotificationListenerService class and the MainActivity class. So far service was working independently from the activity and just logged new services. Now I need to connect then to do something with data from the service. More precisely I need to access the getActiveNotification method from the main activity to get notifications and do something with them. And after onNotificationPosted catches notification, add it to recycler view on the main activity. A saw some people do it with a service binder, but can't find how to do that. Both classes are almost empty so I think there is no need to post them.
I made the connection to the service, how could I now call the addNotificationsToList
method from the NotificationListener
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
private RecyclerView recyclerView;
private RecyclerViewAdapter adapter;
private NotificationListener notificationListenerService;
private boolean bound = false;
private static final String tag = "MainActivity";
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
protected void onStart() {
Intent intent = new Intent(this, NotificationListener.class);
bindService(intent, connection, Context.BIND_AUTO_CREATE);
protected void onStop() {
bound = false;
private ServiceConnection connection = new ServiceConnection() {
public void onServiceConnected(ComponentName name, IBinder service) {
NotificationListener.LocalBinder binder = (NotificationListener.LocalBinder) service;
notificationListenerService = binder.getService();
bound = true;
public void onServiceDisconnected(ComponentName name) {
bound = false;
private void init(){
recyclerView = findViewById(R.id.recyclerView);
recyclerView.setLayoutManager(new LinearLayoutManager(getApplicationContext()));
adapter = new RecyclerViewAdapter();
final Button button = findViewById(R.id.button_id);
button.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
Log.i(tag, String.valueOf(notificationListenerService.getNum()));
public void addNotificationsToList(StatusBarNotification sbn){
//Add to recyclerView
public class NotificationListener extends NotificationListenerService {
private final IBinder binder = new LocalBinder();
class LocalBinder extends Binder{
NotificationListener getService(){
return NotificationListener.this;
public IBinder onBind(Intent intent) {
return binder;
public StatusBarNotification[] getActiveNotifications() {
return super.getActiveNotifications();
public int getNum(){
return 2;
public void onNotificationPosted(StatusBarNotification sbn) {
Read up about bound services. Your Activity
can bind to the Service
and then it can call methods on the Service
that you define using AIDL. In this way the Activity
can get data from the Service