How do I create an IoT Hub Shared Access Signature using PowerShell. My code works when using the signature generated in the Azure IoT Explorer. Assume something is wrong with the signature generation:
$Uri = "$$IotDeviceId"
$Expiry = [string](([DateTimeOffset]::Now.ToUnixTimeSeconds())+3600)
$IotHubKeyDecoded = [System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($IotHubKey))
$StringToSign = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode($Uri) + "`n" + $Expiry
$Hmacsha = New-Object System.Security.Cryptography.HMACSHA256
$Hmacsha.key = [Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($IotHubKeyDecoded)
$Signature = $Hmacsha.ComputeHash([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes($StringToSign))
$Signature = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::UrlEncode([Convert]::ToBase64String($Signature))
I tried using New-AzIotHubSasToken but getting 'Unauthorized':
$SharedAccessSignature = New-AzIotHubSasToken -ResourceGroupName $IotHub.ResourceGroupName -IotHubName $IotHubName -DeviceId $IotDeviceId
$Headers = @{"Authorization" = $SharedAccessSignature; "Content-Type"="application/json";}
$Uri = "https://$$IotDeviceId/messages/events?api-version=2020-03-13"
Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Post -Body $JsonBody
I am not sure why you are trying to create a SAS token in that way, but you could use either PowerShell or Azure CLI for that purpose (you must install it first).
Here you have both examples:
# PowerShell
New-AzIotHubSasToken -IotHubName "{IoT Hub Name}" -DeviceId "{Device Id}" -ResourceGroupName "{Resource Group Name}"
# Output
SharedAccessSignature sr={IoT Hub Name}{Device Id}&sig=iuhiAfagvhgd3QtqjukX8upPuWj%2fuJuYn%2bJgeOe6Uwo%3d&se=1604085022
# Azure CLI
az iot hub generate-sas-token -n {IoT Hub Name} -d {Device Id}
# Output
"sas": "SharedAccessSignature sr={IoT Hub Name}{Device Id}&sig=iuhiAfagvhgd3QtqjukX8upPuWj%2fuJuYn%2bJgeOe6Uwo%3d&se=1604085022"
Remember you must first login and then select the corresponding subscription (in case you have more than one)
az login
# Optionally: az account list
az account set --subscription {subscription id}