i think i found a bug in PS.
i create a new subst'ed drive letter:
C:\> subst k: c:\test
C:\> subst
K:\: => c:\test
but PS tells:
PS C:\> get-item 'K:\' | Format-list | Out-String
Name : K:\
Mode : d-----
LinkType :
Target : {K:\test}
as you see, the drive letter in target is wrong. how it comes?
my windows version:
Windows 10 Enterprise
Version 1809
OS Build 17763.1457
my PS version:
PS C:\> $PSVersionTable
Name Value
---- -----
PSVersion 5.1.17763.1432
PSEdition Desktop
PSCompatibleVersions {1.0, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0...}
BuildVersion 10.0.17763.1432
CLRVersion 4.0.30319.42000
WSManStackVersion 3.0
PSRemotingProtocolVersion 2.3
how to get the correct target with ps?
many thanks
I agree that it is a bug, but:
No symbolic link or other NTFS reparse point (such as a junction) is involved in your code.
As such, the .Target
property - which reports a reparse point's target - should not even be filled in; that is the actual bug, which longer exists in PowerShell [Core] v6+.
Thus, in order to weed out such false .Target
values, you can filter files by their .LinkType
property instead:
Get-ChildItem | Where-Object LinkType -eq SymbolicLink # now, .Targets are valid
Separately, if you're looking for a way to translate paths based on substituted drives to their underlying physical paths:
Unfortunately, neither Convert-Path
nor Get-PSDrive
seem to be aware of substituted drives (created with subst.exe
) - not even in PowerShell 7.0 - so you'll have to roll your own translation command:
& {
$fullName = Convert-Path -LiteralPath $args[0]
$drive = Split-Path -Qualifier $fullName
if ($drive.Length -eq 2 -and ($substDef = @(subst.exe) -match "^$drive")) {
Join-Path ($substDef -split ' ', 3)[-1] $fullName.Substring($drive.Length)
} else {
} 'K:\'
The above should return C:\test\
in your case.
Note: Due to use of Convert-Path
, the above only works with existing paths; making it support nonexistent paths requires substantially more work (see below).
Note that longstanding GitHub feature request #2993 asks for enhancing Convert-Path
to also work with nonexistent paths.
In the interim, here's advanced function Convert-PathEx
to fill the gap.
Once it is defined, you could do the following instead:
PS> Convert-PathEx K:\
function Convert-PathEx {
Converts file-system paths to absolute, native paths.
An enhanced version of Convert-Path, which, however only supports *literal* paths.
For wildcard expansion, pipe from Get-ChildItem or Get-Item.
The enhancements are:
* Support for non-existent paths.
* On Windows, support for translating paths based on substituted drives
(created with subst.exe) to physical paths.
[CmdletBinding(PositionalBinding = $false)]
[Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName)]
[Alias('PSPath', 'LP')]
[string[]] $LiteralPath
begin {
$isWin = $env:OS -eq 'Windows_NT'
# Helper function for ignoring .Substring() exceptions.
function fromPos ($str, $ndx) {
try { return $str.Substring($ndx) } catch { return '' }
process {
foreach ($path in $LiteralPath) {
$path = $path -replace '^.+::' # strip any PS provider prefix, such as 'FileSystem::' or 'Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::'
# Analyze drive information.
$driveSpec = Split-Path -ErrorAction Ignore -Qualifier $path
$driveObj = if ($driveSpec) { (Get-PSDrive -ErrorAction Ignore -PSProvider FileSystem -Name $driveSpec.Substring(0, $driveSpec.Length - 1)) | Select-Object -First 1 } # !! Get-PSDrive can report *case-sensitive variations* of the same drive, so we ensure we only get *one* object back.
if ($driveSpec -and -not $driveObj) {
Write-Error "Path has unknown file-system drive: $path" -Category InvalidArgument
$rest = if ($driveObj) { fromPos $path $driveSpec.Length } else { $path }
$startsFromRoot = $rest -match '^[\\/]'
if ($startsFromRoot) { $rest = fromPos $rest 1 } # Strip the initial separator, so that [IO.Path]::Combine() works correctly (with an initial "\" or "/", it ignores attempts to prepend a drive).
$isAbsolute = $startsFromRoot -and ($driveObj -or -not $isWin) # /... paths on Unix are absolute paths.
$fullName =
if ($isAbsolute) {
if ($driveObj) {
# Prepend the path underlying the drive.
[IO.Path]::Combine($driveObj.Root, $rest)
} else {
# Unix: Already a full, native path - pass it through.
} else {
# Non-absolute path, which can have one three forms:
# relative: "foo", "./foo"
# drive-qualified relative (rare): "c:foo"
# Windows drive-qualified relative (rare): "c:foo"
if ($startsFromRoot) {
[IO.Path]::Combine($PWD.Drive.Root, $rest)
} elseif ($driveObj) {
# drive-qualified relative path: prepend the current dir *on the targeted drive*.
# Note: .CurrentLocation is the location relative to the drive root, *wihtout* an initial "\" or "/"
[IO.Path]::Combine($driveObj.Root, $driveObj.CurrentLocation, $rest)
} else {
# relative path, prepend the provider-native $PWD path.
[IO.Path]::Combine($PWD.ProviderPath, $rest)
# On Windows: Also check if the path is defined in terms of a
# *substituted* drive (created with `subst.exe`) and translate
# it to the underlying path.
if ($isWin) {
# Note: [IO.Path]::GetPathRoot() only works with single-letter drives, which is all we're interested in here.
# Also, it *includes a trailing separator*, so skipping the length of $diveSpec.Length works correctly with [IO.Path]::Combine().
$driveSpec = [IO.Path]::GetPathRoot($fullName)
if ($driveSpec -and ($substDef = @(subst.exe) -like "$driveSpec*")) {
$fullName = [IO.Path]::Combine(($substDef -split ' ', 3)[-1], (fromPos $fullName $driveSpec.Length))
# Finally, now that we have a native path, we can use [IO.Path]::GetFullPath() in order
# to *normalize* paths with components such as "./" and ".."
} # foreach