I have an error when creating a systemd service I don't understand.
I run a python script for air quality on an rpi. I runs it using the following code:
python3 senddata.py "./config.ini"
This run correctly; however, I want to make it a systemd service to later setup a cron job. I drafted this up:
ExecStart=/usr/bin/python3 /home/pi/.../senddata.py "./config.ini"
When I run it I reload the daemon and restart the service, but get the following error:
python3[...]: KeyError parsing config.ini file.
Is it not understanding my quotes for the config.ini when attempting to run?
Resources: https://ayeks.de/post/2018-05-29-bme680-influxdb-grafana/ https://github.com/ayeks/bme680_to_influxdb/blob/master/grafana_dashboard.json
Out of curiosity - I made a custom service with just 'ls' - to see what directory was the current one when starting a service with systemctl.
The output in the system journal leads me to believe it's starting with "/" as the current directory. I executed 'systemctl start test' from /etc/systemd/system - not in "/"..
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: bin
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: boot
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: dev
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: etc
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: home
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: lib
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: lib64
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: media
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: mnt
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: opt
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: proc
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: root
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: run
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: sbin
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: srv
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: sys
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: tmp
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: usr
Oct 30 13:11:40 oelinux2 ls[1951]: var
ls command on same machine from /
[root@oelinux2 /]# ls
bin boot dev etc home lib lib64 media mnt opt proc root run sbin srv sys tmp usr var
[root@oelinux2 /]#
My first thought.. is to change "./config" to the full path of where 'config' is located. Try that and see if it can find it.