I am calling a system layer from process layer as
first get: /abc get: /xyz post: /efg for all these 3 calls using a common http requestor by setting path, method and host before calling this http requestor.
how to mock this http requestor for each call that give me different responses?
You can just add 3 mock when's to your Munit. Each of them will have the processor 'http:request', but with attributes specific to the call. So in each mock you will provide the AttributeName="method" and AttributeName="path" where the values correspond to the specific call you want to mock. See an example of two mocks below.
<munit-tools:mock-when doc:name="Mock when POST" doc:id="8e3b66fe-b5bb-4f96-97b5-8970c1635b12" processor="http:request">
<munit-tools:with-attributes >
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="POST" attributeName="method" />
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="/post" attributeName="path" />
<munit-tools:then-return >
<munit-tools:payload value='#[{"data": "post"}]' mediaType="application/json" />
<munit-tools:mock-when doc:name="Mock when GET" doc:id="4797dd50-8bc2-428a-9aba-7d03692fc1a2" processor="http:request" >
<munit-tools:with-attributes >
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="GET" attributeName="method" />
<munit-tools:with-attribute whereValue="/get" attributeName="path" />
<munit-tools:then-return >
<munit-tools:payload value='#[{"data": "get"}]' mediaType="application/json" />