I have created a class that checks if any item of the list self._name is in the string song1. I use assert to check if it is True. If I change assert with print, I get that the result is None, which is why I the assert does not work. It should come out as True, but I am unsure what I am doing wrong.
class Song:
def __init__(self, artist, title):
self._artist = artist
self._title = title
def checkArtist(self, name):
self._name = name.split() #split to list since just a first name or last name is allowed
any(artistname in self._artist for artistname in self._name)
def main_program():
song1 = Song("Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper", "Shallow")
#test, should return True for both asserts since the first is an exact match and the second contains "Gaga"
assert(song1.checkArtist("Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper"))
assert(song1.checkArtist("Lord Gaga"))
It works when I isolate it outside the class. I am not too familiar with using classes, so I might have done something wrong with the class.
song2="Lady Gaga and Bradley Cooper"
name2="Lord Gaga"
any(namecheck in song2 for namecheck in name2) #returns True
class Song:
def __init__(self, artist, title):
self._artist = artist
self._title = title
def checkArtist(self, name):
return any(artistname in self._artist for artistname in name.split())
You need to return your boolean value!