I've a paragraph that has a list of some emails, phone, and URL.
I want to extract all (600) emails, phone, and URL from that single string.
I tried to do that with substr in Javascript but I may be missing somewhere.
Here is an example of my sample data:
*Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789*
Please guide me with JavaScript.
var myEmail = [];
var ol = myS.substr((myS.indexOf("Email:")+1),(myS.indexOf('Url:')-2));
for(let i=0;i<600;i++){
var ml = myS.substr((myS.indexOf(ol)+1),(myS.indexOf('Url:')-2));
const data = `*Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789
Email:[email protected]
Url: www.example.com
Tel: +123-456-789*`;
const reEmails = /^\*?Email: ?(.*@.*\..*)\*?$/gm;
const reTels = /^\*?Tel: ?(\+?\d*-?\d*-?\d*)\*?$/gm
const reUrls = /^\*?Url: ?(www\..*\..*)\*?$/gm
const emails = data.match(reEmails).map(m => m.replace(reEmails, '$1'));
const tels = data.match(reTels).map(m => m.replace(reTels, '$1'));
const urls = data.match(reUrls).map(m => m.replace(reUrls, '$1'));
console.log('emails:', emails);
console.log('tels:', tels);
console.log('urls:', urls);