If I use a preload function in a component at the root of an app, how come it never runs? From https://github.com/sveltejs/sapper-template/issues/94 I take it that this used to be a bug, but was fixed.
So I am having a bit of trouble understanding why this won't run:
import someComponent from 'someComponent.svelte';
<someComponent />
<script context="module">
export async function preload({ params, query }) {
console.log("i ran")
As mentioned in the other answer here it seems the preload function is only run on routes. In order to get the the desired effect I could either run a fetch in the onMount function, or pass down the data from the api call from _layout to the desired component. The problem here however is that if you have a nested component structure, it might get quite messy passing down props through several components.