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Install Azure CLI on VM using Chef

I am currently writing a script(recipe) with Chef that executes on an Azure (Linux) virtual machine. For my purposes I need to install Azure CLI on that VM. I followed these steps from the documentation. Unfortunately, I get the error that I can't use "sudo", and if I remove "sudo" it can't find "azure-cli". That part of the recipe looks like this:

cli = 'echo -e "[azure-cli] \ nname = Azure CLI \ nbaseurl = https: // \ nenabled = 1 \ ngpgcheck = 1 \ ngpgkey = https: // "> /etc/yum.repos.d/azure-cli.repo ' 

execute "Install Azure CLI 1" do
    command "sudo rpm --import"

execute "Install Azure CLI 2" do
    command "sudo sh -c " + cli

execute "Install Azure CLI 3" do
    command "yes | sudo yum install azure-cli"

How can I make it work? Any help or suggestions would be highly appreciated!


  • You have basically Chef'ified a Shell script. IMO that is not the ideal way. Take some time to familiarize yourself with Chef Resources to get the job done.

    For example:

    At the very minimum, something like below:

    yum_repository 'azure-cli' do
      description 'Azure CLI'
      baseurl ''
      gpgkey ''
    yum_package 'azure-cli'