I currently have php setup to write its error messages, exceptions, ... to stderr using Monolog and I wanted to add an additional Handler to send the output directly to Sentry.
This is what I have in PHP:
$monologLogger = new Logger('logger');
$streamHandler = new StreamHandler('php://stderr');
$formatter = new JsonFormatter();
$options = [
'dsn' => 'http://KEY@URL//PROJECTID',
'default_integrations' => false, // use Monolog to send errors
$sentryHandler = new Handler(SentrySdk::getCurrentHub(), Logger::ERROR);
return $monologLogger;
It outputs everything correctly to stderr, but I do not receive any events in sentry. Does anyone know what might be wrong with my script?
I found the solution to my problem. Even though I copied it directly from sentry, my DSN key was wrong.
I removed the extra '/' here:
Kind of a stupid mistake, but thanks for the help anyway guys.