hi i'm new on react native and i have a issue with asyncStorage. I want to store the cache state in my pdf screen. The cache is a parameter of the source and handle only boolean. I made an onPress which change a state and store it in my localstorage, it works and when i console.log my getItem it shows true or false too it works too. But here is my problem. Now i want to just use the true or the false from this getItem because the parameter cache can handle boolean only. The best i could get on my search was Promise Boolean for my function. So if you could help me it'll be incredible because i really don't know. Thank you a lot and sorry for my English.
Here's my code //
export class Liste extends React.PureComponent {
constructor(props) {
this.state = {
navigation : props.navigation,
route: props.route,
selectedIndex : this.selectedIndex,
page : this.page,
numberOfPages : this.numberOfPages,
filePath : [],
cache : false,
saveCache() {
AsyncStorage.setItem('cache', JSON.stringify(this.state.cache));
console.log(`store ${this.state.cache}`);
async getCache () {
const ta = await AsyncStorage.getItem('cache', (value) => {
navigateBack = () => {
BackAction = () => (
<TopNavigationAction icon={BackIcon} onPress={this.navigateBack}/>
render() {
const {files} = this.state.route.params;
const cache = this.state.cache;
const bool = this.getCache();
return (
<TopNavigation style={{ borderWidth: 1 }} title='Mes Articles' alignment='center' accessoryLeft={this.BackAction} />
onSelect={ index => this.setState({ selectedIndex: index })}>
{files.map((file, i) =>
<Layout style={styles.tab} level='2'>
<Text>Article: {i + 1} / {files.length} page: {this.state.page} / {this.state.numberOfPages}</Text>
<TopNavigationAction icon = {emailIcon} onPress={() => Share.open({ title: 'Pdf file', message: `bonjour voici l'article pdf ${file.filename}`, url: `file:///${this.state.filePath[i]}`, subject: `Article Pdf ${file.filename}` })} status='Partager'>
<TopNavigationAction icon = {pin} onPress ={() => this.saveCache(cache === true ? this.setState({cache : false}) : this.setState({cache : true}))} status='Partager'>
<TopNavigationAction icon = {pin} onPress ={() => console.log(this.getCache())} status='Partager'>
source={{ uri: `${file.path}/${file.filename}`, cache : bool}}
onLoadComplete={(numberOfPages, filePath) => {
this.setState({ numberOfPages: numberOfPages });
onPageChanged={(page, numberOfPages) => {
this.setState({ page: page });
You can use it like this.
await AsyncStorage.getItem('cache');
returns a JSON stringified value which you could parse and use.
async getCache () {
const ta = await AsyncStorage.getItem('cache');