FreeBSD-12.1p10 (jail) PostgreSQL-11.8 Idempiere 7.1
This question was also asked on the Idempiere mailing list and has received no answer.
A new test client/tenant was created. Its language was set to en_CA
. Following the breadcrumb path to menu==>sysadmin==>gen-rules==>sys-rules-==>language the language record for en_CA has the date format set to yyyy-MM-dd
and has the System Language option checked. The cache has been reset. There are no open windows for the test client.
When a custom window containing a date field is opened and a date is chosen from the date picker then it displays the date as MM/dd/yyyy.
That window was closed. The underlying table column for that field was updated on the data dictionary to have the format 'yyyy-MM-dd', the cache was reset, and the window was reopened. Again the date selected from the date picker was displayed as MM/dd/yyyy
How does one get date fields to accept input and display values in a particular format?
I have a similar problem with time input and display.
the date format is affected by the language you select on login time, not by the language defined on the tenant.