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How can I print the presentation made in Beamer without white bars?

How can I print on Epson L4160, or any other printer the presentation made in Latex connected with Beamer, having scale of frame 16:9? My trouble is strange, because I don't want to have a white bars... But, what I have discovered, on the preview in Adobe Reader, in full screen preview it looks very good...

Snapshot of printing:

Snapshot of printing

Snapshot of fullscreen presentation:

Snapshot of fullscreen presentation

And code: (due to many lines, I can paste it on other page if it is necessary)


\usepackage{ragged2e} %justify
\usepackage{gensymb} %degree
\usepackage{colortbl} %color of row
\usepackage{cancel} %fraction cancel line
\usepackage{url} %bibliography


\usetikzlibrary{positioning, calc}


\definecolor{myAmber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} %#FF7E00


\title{Wprowadzenie do matematyki}
\subtitle{2. Koniunkcja i alternatywa w zdaniach.}
\author{Konstanty Dmochowski}

    \insertshorttitle\hfill \hspace*{3.85cm}%

\makeatother %remove section both from header and outline in beamer 


\newcommand*{\rechterWinkel}[3]{% #1 = point, #2 = start angle, #3 = radius
    \draw[shift={(#2:#3)}] (#1) arc[start angle=#2, delta angle=90, radius = #3];
    \fill[shift={(#2+45:#3/2)}] (#1) circle[radius=2.5\pgflinewidth];

%\special{pdf:encrypt ownerpw (prezentacjaPL2020) userpw (prezentacja2020) length 128 perm 2052}

        \frametitle{Plan pracy}


    \frametitle{Plan pracy}

\begin{frame}{O czym będziemy mówili?}
        \caption{Jak sądzicie?}

    Do tej pory mówiliśmy wyłącznie o \textbf{zdaniach logicznych} i ich \textbf{zaprzeczeniach}.
    \textbf{Przykład:} \textit{Kwadrat ma nieskończenie wiele osi symetrii.}
    \\[0.25cm] Są to tak zwane zdania proste - wyrażają one bowiem jedną myśl, składają się z jednego orzeczenia.
    \pause \\[0.25cm] \textcolor{myAmber}{Pytanie:} Co się dzieje, gdy zdanie jest bardziej rozbudowane, skomplikowane? W jaki sposób wówczas z nim poradzić?
\subsection{Zdania złożone}
\begin{frame}{Zdania złożone}
    Okazuje się, że zdania tej postaci:
    \\[0.25cm] \pause \textit{Wojtek poszedł do kina lub zjawił się na stadionie.}
    \\[0.25cm] \pause \textit{Eliza narysowała dom i wymieniła cieńkopis.}
    \pause \\[0.25cm] prowadzą nas do nowego pojęcia: \textbf{zdania złożonego}. Powiedzmy coś o nich.


  • To get more or less the same aspect ration than a A4 paper, you could modify the page geometry like this:

    \usepackage{ragged2e} %justify
    \usepackage{gensymb} %degree
    %\usepackage{colortbl} %color of row
    \usepackage{cancel} %fraction cancel line
    %\usepackage{url} %bibliography
    \definecolor{myAmber}{rgb}{1.0, 0.49, 0.0} %#FF7E00
    \title{Wprowadzenie do matematyki}
    \subtitle{2. Koniunkcja i alternatywa w zdaniach.}
    \author{Konstanty Dmochowski}
    \setlength\beamer@paperwidth{16.00cm} \setlength\beamer@paperheight{11.31cm} 
      head=1cm,% might be changed later 
      foot=1cm% might be changed later 

    Some other comments about your code:

    • don't use enumitem with beamer

    • beamer has its own column mechanism, multicol is not necessary

    • if you need something from the colortbl package, use the xcolor={table} documentclass option instead of loading the package

    • you don't need graphicx

    • you also don't need url - beamer loads hyperref

    • no need for amsmath either, beamer already loads this

    • using floating specifier such as [h!] in a documentclass without floating mechanism makes no sense

    • don't use \begin{center}...\end{center} within your figures. This adds additional vertical space and is also unnecessary because figures are centred by default

    • don't abuse \\ for line breaks. Leave an empty line instead

    • instead of manually numbering things like Definicja 1., use an appropriate environment like definition, these can be made to number things automatically

    • Just give the filename of images without file type. Latex will automatically choose the best suited type in case you have the image in different formats

    • have a look at the booktabs package. Data prison style tables are really ugly

    • it should be \justifying and not \justify (the later kinda works by accidents, but causes many strange problems because it actually is an environment and not a macro)