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What is Order of Growth and How do you compute it?

Why I am asking this question

I have recently started reading Sicp, and I have worked my way through to Section 1.2.3. I am unable to understand some of the details of Order of Growth. Please bear with me and my overly long question. Please also note that I have never dealt with analyzing algorithms before.

What I read in Sicp and my thoughts about it

Here are few pieces of the text from Sicp:

Which exact value is n ?

Let n be a parameter that measures the size of the problem. In our previous examples we took n to be the number for which a given function is to be computed, but there are other possibilities. For instance, if our goal is to compute an approximation to the square root of a number, we might take n to be the number of digits accuracy required.

Take the following procedure which was given in Section 1.7 for Newton's Method for Square roots:

(define (sqrt x)
  (sqrt-iter 1.0 x))

And this is (sqrt-iter)

(define (sqrt-iter guess x)
  (if (good-enough? guess x)
      (sqrt-iter (improve guess x)

Where good-enough? checks if the guess a good enough approximations

(define (good-enough? guess x)
  (< (abs (- (square guess) x)) 0.001))

Now, according to Sicp, 0.001 should be n, but shouldn't n be input in (sqrt x)? The number of iterations changes based on input x, that is the number of iterations required would change based on the size of the number.

Here is my python equivalent proving that:

In [33]: sqrt(2)
achieved 1.4142156862745097 in 3 iterations

In [34]: sqrt(4)
achieved 2.0000000929222947 in 4 iterations

In [35]: sqrt(1024)
achieved 32.0000071648159 in 8 iterations

So shouldn't 0.001 be k1 or k2, as it is a value that is constant and is independent of n (here the value we input to sqrt)?

Isn't R(n) not constant?

let R(n) be the amount of resources the process requires for a problem of size n. R(n) might measure the number of internal storage registers used, the number of elementary machine operations performed, and so on. In computers that do only a fixed number of operations at a time, the time required will be proportional to the number of elementary machine operations performed.

Here, Sicp says that R(n) might be the number of elementary operations performed, but isn't the number of operations performed be different from OS to OS? As a Linux Machine might do it a certain set of steps, a FreeBSD machine another, and a Windows Machine another? You'll see why I am saying this soon.

Order of Growth

We say that R(n) has order of growth Θ(f (n)), written R(n) = Θ(f (n)) (pronounced “theta of f (n)”), if there are positive constants k1 and k2 independent of n such that k1 f (n) ≤ R(n) ≤ k2 f (n) for any sufficiently large value of n. (In other words, for large n, the value R(n) is sandwiched between k1 f (n) and k2 f (n).)

Now, from what I understand we calculate the growth of the resources used by doing some algebra after receiving the values from functions R(n) and f(n) (Is R a function? and f what I am thinking of? I don't know!)

The Example with Factorials and the Fibonacci Sequence

For instance, with the linear recursive process for computing factorial described in Section 1.2.1 the number of steps grows proportionally to the input n. Thus, the steps required for this process grows as Θ(n). We also saw that the space required grows as Θ(n). For the iterative factorial, the number of steps is still Θ(n) but the space is Θ(1)—that is, constant. The tree-recursive Fibonacci computation requires Θ(ϕn) steps and space Θ(n), where ϕ is the golden ratio described in Section 1.2.2.

Now this is the part which makes no sense to me - what do I consider a step? Do I consider the number of substitutions using the substitution model? Or do I consider the number of expressions evaluated? Or do I consider when there is arithmetic evaluated?

I understand that the the space is Θ(n) (because the interpreter needs to remember 1 more thing every recursion) in the recursive procedure and in the iterative Θ(1) (as the interpreter the some value with x and continues.) I don't understand how the Fibonacci computation (Tree Recursion) takes Θ(n).

I also have no clue how the earlier n is related with the number of steps.

My Questions

So here is the list of all my questions to do with Order of Growth:

  1. Which exact value in an algorithm is n?

  2. What happens in R(n)? (Assuming its a function of course) Does n divide/multiply a value?

  3. What do I consider a step?

  4. How do I compute the Order of Growth of the steps and space.

In short:

What is Order of Growth, and How do I compute it ?


  • What you are asking is a long topic. I will try to answer in short. However, this is a basic computer science concept and at the beginning of any algorithm book, you will find a chapter about Order of Growth (aka Big-O, Big-Omega, and Big-theta notations). I highly recommend this book if you are interested:

    To answer your question, scientists were not able to compare their codes because atomic operations take different time on different machines. Tons of factors can impact the running time of a code on a machine such as OS load, OS scheduling, implemented atomic operations on CPU, etc. Therefore they came up with a theoretical definition of the order of growth.

    One thing is for sure impacting running time and that is the size of the input of the code, usually noted by n. Since n can be very large, these notations are also known as asymptotic notations. So, when we talk about the order of growth, we assume n is arbitrarily large (we don't care about small input size). Simply, the order of growth is the number of atomic steps (aka elementary) that your program executes. What is atomic? any operation that takes 1 or 2 or a constant number of CPU operations (by constant, I mean it does not depend on n, the input size). Let me give you an example. This code:

    c = a + b

    has one atomic step, it has a summation and an assignment. another example:

    for i in 1..n:

    This code has one atomic step print(i) and repeats it n times (let n be the input size). So we say this program has n atomic operations (i.e. its order of growth is O(n)).

    So, I hope so far you understand what is the atomic operation and what is the order of growth (number of atomic steps). However, usually, it is not easy to calculate the order of growth, and lots of math is involved. for example, this code:

    for i in 1..n:
       for j in i..n:

    In this code since j depends on i we will have n + (n-1) + ... + 1 = n*(n+1)/2 atomic operation. If you calculate that formula it is n^2 + .... Since n^2 has the largest exponent in the result, we only care about that term. In a very large input size, that term is dominant and we say its order of growth is O(n^2) (I know lots of details are missing). So, when we say program A has the order of growth of O(n) and program B has the order of growth of O(n^2), we are sure that, for a large input size, program B will be much slower than program A (we can finally compare codes without running it on a machine).

    So to summarize, the order of growth is the number of atomic operations when the input size is very large and we don't care about small operations, we only care about the biggest chunk of the operations.

    My words here might offend both scientists and engineers. To my scientist friends: I was not mathematically accurate when I was explaining the order of growth here (please read the book that I have mentioned if you care about the exact mathematical definition). To my engineer friends: Yes, those small steps that scientists ignore when calculating Big-o actually matters in practice, but scientists need to simplify to build ground and then discuss details.