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How to join with nested array in MongoDB driver for NodeJS?

I am using MongoDB shell version v3.6.3. I have two collections 1. User 2. Business I have given sample data below.

_id : 1
username : "joyjeba2"
mobile_number : 9840347197,
profile_url :"http://localhost:3001/user/1599214209351_dp1.jpg"
saved_products :[1,2]

name : "businessname1"
location :"location",
Products : [
{   "name": "product",
    "tags": [
    "description": "its a simple description",
    "lower_price": 20,
    "higher_price": 30,
    "min_order": 20,
    "units": "count",
    "media_urls": [
    "_id": 1
{   "name": "product",
    "tags": [
    "description": "its a simple description",
    "lower_price": 20,
    "higher_price": 30,
    "min_order": 20,
    "units": "count",
    "media_urls": [
    "_id": 2

now i want to make a join from saved_products in user collection to products in business collection.

Expected result is:

_id : 1
username : "joyjeba2"
mobile_number : 9840347197,
profile_url :"http://localhost:3001/user/1599214209351_dp1.jpg"
saved_product : [
{   "name": "product",
    "tags": [
    "description": "its a simple description",
    "lower_price": 20,
    "higher_price": 30,
    "min_order": 20,
    "units": "count",
    "media_urls": [
    "_id": 1
    "business_name" : "businessname1"
    "location" :"location"
{   "name": "product",
    "tags": [
    "description": "its a simple description",
    "lower_price": 20,
    "higher_price": 30,
    "min_order": 20,
    "units": "count",
    "media_urls": [
    "_id": 2,
    "business_name" : "businessname1"
    "location" :"location"

I am able to do this when product is separate collection (with the help of lookup and unwind). But here product is inside a business collection as a nested document. How can i achieve this. Please help me out.


  • You can try,

    • $lookup using pipeline, pass saved_products in let
    • $unwind deconstruct Products array
    • $match product id
    • $mergeObjects to merge business fields and product fields
    • $replaceRoot to replace merged object in root
        $lookup: {
          from: "business",
          let: { saved_products: "$saved_products" },
          pipeline: [
            { $unwind: "$Products" },
            { $match: { $expr: { $in: ["$Products._id", "$$saved_products"] } } },
              $replaceRoot: {
                newRoot: {
                  $mergeObjects: [
                      _business_id: "$_id",
                      business_name: "$name",
                      location: "$location"
          as: "saved_products"
