I am using stack navigation for my screens. I had connected my device initially (Android Version 10 - realme XT) and the navigation worked fine. But later the same thing I tried on the emulator (Android version 9 ) and it started overlapping the screens. The same thing happened with other devices (Android version 9 redmi note 5 pro ) also.
Navigation file code is:
import React from 'react';
import {createStackNavigator} from '@react-navigation/stack';
import Abc from './abc';
import xyzfrom './xyz';
import {ImageBackground} from 'react-native';
import CommonBackground from '../../resource/images/StartupScreenBackground.png';
import Styles from './style';
import {NavigationContainer, DefaultTheme} from '@react-navigation/native';
import srt from './srt';
const MyTheme = {
colors: {
primary: 'rgb(255, 45, 85)',
background: 'transparent',
const StartScreen = createStackNavigator();
function StartScreenNavigation(props) {
return (
<ImageBackground source={CommonBackground} style={Styles.imageContainer}>
<NavigationContainer theme={MyTheme}>
headerShown: false,
<StartScreen.Screen name="abc" component={abc} />
<StartScreen.Screen name="srt" component={srt} />
export default StartScreenNavigation;
I am not understanding if it's the problem of Android version or the stack navigation.
Thank you!!
I had to create another Component and use props.children
so that I could wrap it around.
Yes, it's lame, it's as good as wrapping the ImageBackground for all the individual screens but my solution helps to reduce at least a few lines of code.
Soo yep!! No need to use a theme. But that was the best solution if that had worked on the other android versions (Below 10).
Thank you!!