I'm trying to use some Cairo bindings for Crystal, but I'm having some trouble with the syntax and how to call the method below. It is implemented as such:
# Inside Module Cairo, class Surface
# ...
def write_to_png_stream(write_func : LibCairo::WriteFuncT, closure : Void*) : Status
Status.new(LibCairo.surface_write_to_png_stream(@surface, write_func, closure).value)
# Inside Module LibCairo
# ...
enum StatusT
# ...
# ...
alias WriteFuncT = Void*, UInt8*, UInt32 -> StatusT
# ...
fun surface_write_to_png_stream = cairo_surface_write_to_png_stream(
surface : PSurfaceT,
write_func : WriteFuncT,
closure : Void*
) : StatusT
Specifically, I'm asking how to call the Cairo::Surface#write_to_png_stream method. What do I pass as the write_func:LibCairo::WriteFuncT
? What do I pass as the closure: Void*
I tried with the following but I haven't managed to get it to work...
def my_write_func(a : Void*, b : UInt8*, c : UInt32) : Cairo::C::LibCairo::StatusT
puts a
puts b
puts c
surface = Cairo::Surface.new Cairo::Format::ARGB32, 400, 300
ctx = Cairo::Context.new surface
ctx.set_source_rgba 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0
ctx.rectangle 0.0, 0.0, 400.0, 300.0
# here, how do I call surface.write_to_png_stream passing my 'my_write_func'?
# a Proc doesn't seem to work.. ( ->my_write_func(Void*, UInt8*, UInt32) )
Finally I got it working.. Or well, I managed to call it at least.
surface.write_to_png_stream ->my_write_func(Void*, UInt8*, UInt32), Pointer(Void).null
It turns out it was a Proc afterall as I suspected and that I just needed a null Pointer too. For future reference, I have an issue at the repo talking about the specific usage of this method, but I suppose the syntax/semantics question is answered here on SO.