I am trying to remove scientific notation from the x-axis of the histogram. options(scipen=999) did not work.
Thank you for the help.
Seperate Lot into different blocks
hist(CatLotData2$'LOT SIZE')
CatLotData2$LotCat <-cut(CatLotData2$'LOT SIZE',
##I have tried several options to remove scientific notation from the histogram.Below is what I have tried and failed.
## What I have tried to use and failed.
options(scipen = 999)
options("scipen"=0, "digits"=5)
format(1e03, scientific=FALSE) ## creates output on separate chart
format(3e03, scientific=FALSE)
format(4e03, scientific=FALSE)
The issue is with cut
. Use the dig.lab
to adjust the digits
CatLotData2$LotCat <-cut(CatLotData2$'LOT SIZE',
15000,17500,Inf), dig.lab = 10)