I am trying to write a multithreaded program that shares a queue between producers and consumers. I included the declarations in my header file for the struct I intend to pass to pthread_create (eventually containing cmd line arguments), my shared queue struct, and my function prototypes.
I have tried commented out basically everything in my main function to see if I could get my code to at least print something, but that it did not work. Sorry in advance for the lengthy post.
Below, I include my .h and .c files.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <pthread.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include "/home/user/Desktop/PA3/util.c"
#define MAX_INPUT_FILES 10
#define MAXSIZE 20
struct arguments {
struct queue *q;
char *input;
char *resLog;
char *reqLog;
char line[100];
char result[100];
char ipv6[100];
struct node {
char name[100];
struct node *next;
struct queue {
int size;
struct node *head;
struct node *tail;
void init(struct queue *);
void pop(struct queue *);
void push(struct queue *, char *);
void* requesterThread(void *);
//void* resolverThread(queue *, char *, char *, char*);
#include "multilookup.h"
/*----------------------Struct Functions------------------------*/
void init(struct queue *q) {
q->head = NULL;
q->tail = NULL;
q->size = 0;
/* pop: remove and return first name from a queue */
void pop(struct queue *q)
//printf("%s\n", q->head->name);
struct node *tmp = q->head;
q->head = q->head->next;
/* push: add name to the end of the queue */
void push(struct queue *q, char *name)
if (q->head == NULL) {
q->head = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
//q->head->name = name;
strcpy(q->head->name, name);
q->head->next == NULL;
q->tail = q->head;
} else {
q->tail->next = (struct node *)malloc(sizeof(struct node));
//q->tail->next->name = name;
strcpy(q->tail->next->name, name);
q->tail->next->next = NULL;
q->tail = q->tail->next;
/*--------------------------End of struct functions------------------*/
void* requesterThread(void *receivedStruct) {
struct arguments *args_ptr;
args_ptr = (struct arguments*) receivedStruct;
FILE *fptr;
FILE *sptr;
int *fileCounter = 0;
printf("%s\n", args_ptr->input);
//Check for proper file paths
if ((fptr = fopen(args_ptr->input, "r")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Bogus input file path.\n");
// Thread exits if file pointer returns NULL.
if ((sptr = fopen(args_ptr->reqLog, "w")) == NULL) {
fprintf(stderr, "Error! Bogues output path.\n");
//Read from input file and push to shared queue
printf("Adding to Queue...\n");
while (fscanf(fptr,"%[^\n]%*c", args_ptr->line) != EOF) {
while (args_ptr->q->size == MAXSIZE) {
printf("Queue is full!\n");
//block all threads trying to write to shared queue
return 0; //remove later and replace with break;
push(args_ptr->q, args_ptr->line);
//Update requesterLog and print logged hostnames
fprintf(sptr, "%s, \n", args_ptr->line);
printf("Hostname Logged: %s\n", args_ptr->line);
/*LINE TO WRITE "Thread <id> serviced ## files" TO serviced.txt
fprintf(sptr, "Thread %d serviced %d files", pthread_self(), fileCounter);
} fileCounter++; //when fileCounter == numInputFiles send poison pill in queue to let resolver know that the requesterThreads have finished.
return 0;
int main(/*int argc, char *argv[]*/) {
int num_req_threads;
int num_res_threads;
int rc1;
int rc2;
//instance of shared queue struct
struct queue *q;
//instance of arguments struct
struct arguments args;
args.q = q;
args.input = "/home/user/Desktop/PA3/input/names1.txt";//argv[5];
args.reqLog = "/home/user/Desktop/PA3/serviced.txt";//argv[3];
args.resLog = "/home/user/Desktop/PA3/results.txt"; //argv[4];
return 0;
When you write:
struct queue *q;
there is no struct of type queue
created, only a pointer that points to nothing. You should try:
struct queue q;
so that the struct is created before you try to assign to its members.