I have a txt file:
This is the first line of block 1. It is always identifiable
This is the first line of block 2. It is always identifiable
This is the first line of block 3. It is always identifiable
I want to iterate through each line and look for the following code to trigger and capture a fixed amount of lines following:
for line in lines:
match = re.compile(r'(.*)block 2.(.*)'.search(line)
if match:
#capture current line and the following 2 lines
After parsing the txt file, I want to return:
This is the first line of block 2
In my particular example, the first line of my block is always identifiable. There is a consistent row count per block. The contents of lines >= 2 will always change and cannot reliably be returned when using regex.
You can call the next()
function to get the next element in the iterator.
def get_block2(lines):
for line in lines:
match = re.compile(r'(.*)block 2\n').search(line)
if match:
line2 = next(lines)
line3 = next(lines)
return line, line2, line3