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How do I make ale highlight using a virtual environment

I just started configuring Vim as an IDE, and the first file I launched into was one that happened to use a Virtual Environment.

In my .vimrc, I added ale as my lint engine, and coc as my autocomplete (intellisense) engine. So I entered, and saw there were errors. I exited vim, and then sourced my virtual environment and entered again, and there were still errors. For some reason, though, they were all at the imports.

I've tried:

  • Sourcing my venv before entering vim
  • Putting let g:ale_virtualenv_dir_names = ['env'] in my .vimrc
  • Using the vim-virtualenv plugin

I setup ale's linters and fixers as the following

 " ALE vars
 let g:ale_disable_lsp = 1
 let g:ale_linters = {
        \   'python': ['flake8'],
        \   'javascript': ['eslint'],
 let g:ale_fixers = {
 \   'python': ['black'],
 let g:ale_fix_on_save = 1
 let g:ale_sign_warning = '-!'
 let g:ale_virtualenv_dir_names = ['env']

but it still throws the errors

How do I make it warn using my Virtual Environment?


  • I seem to have fixed it. EDIT: I DID NOT FIX IT

    In my .vimrc file, I just needed to indent this code block.

    let g:ale_fixers = {
         \   'python': ['black'],

    It must have made vim and ale confused and threw errors, especially since I put that before my g:virtualenv_dir_names variable.


    That was not what was causing the problem

    It was all to do with my virtual environments, for some reason. If anyone can explain this to me, I'll be thankful.

    I needed to rm -dr my virtual environment I had before, and then remake and reinstall it.

    Hope this helps some of you!