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How to set a repr for a function itself?

__repr__ is used to return a string representation of an object, but in Python a function is also an object itself, and can have attributes.

How do I set the __repr__ of a function?

I see here that an attribute can be set for a function outside the function, but typically one sets a __repr__ within the object definition itself, so I'd like to set the repr within the function definition itself.

My use case is that I am using tenacity to retry a networking function with exponential backoff, and I want to log the (informative) name of the function I have called last.

retry_mysql_exception_types = (InterfaceError, OperationalError, TimeoutError, ConnectionResetError)

def return_last_retry_outcome(retry_state):
    """return the result of the last call attempt"""
    return retry_state.outcome.result()

def my_before_sleep(retry_state):
    print("Retrying {}: attempt {} ended with: {}\n".format(retry_state.fn, retry_state.attempt_number, retry_state.outcome))

@tenacity.retry(wait=tenacity.wait_random_exponential(multiplier=1, max=1200),
def connect_with_retries(my_database_config):
    connection = mysql.connector.connect(**my_database_config)
    return connection

Currently retry_state.fn displays something like <function <lambda> at 0x1100f6ee0> like @chepner says, but I'd like to add more information to it.


  • I think a custom decorator could help:

    import functools
    class reprable:
        """Decorates a function with a repr method.
            >>> @reprable
            ... def foo():
            ...     '''Does something cool.'''
            ...     return 4
            >>> foo()
            >>> foo.__name__
            >>> foo.__doc__
            'Does something cool.'
            >>> repr(foo)
            'foo: Does something cool.'
            >>> type(foo)
            <class '__main__.reprable'>
        def __init__(self, wrapped):
            self._wrapped = wrapped
            functools.update_wrapper(self, wrapped)
        def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
            return self._wrapped(*args, **kwargs)
        def __repr__(self):
            return f'{self._wrapped.__name__}: {self._wrapped.__doc__}'
