There's an assignment about implementing Kalman-filter 1D.
The goal is to make the blue square hit the pink square.
Blue square gets data about the position of the pink square, but the data is not precise, it's noisy. The noisy data has standard deviation of 300 pixels.
The blue square uses Kalman-filter algorithm to get the precise position and hit the pink square.
Only "Kalman class" is allowed to edit, and I have implemented Kalman-filter algorithm in that class.
I used the 5 equations described, but it still doesn't work properly.
Here's the Kalman class where Kalman filter is implemented (and below that is the whole code):
class Kalman():
def __init__(self):
self._dt = 1 # time step
self._pos = 785 # position
self._vel = 1 # velocity
self._acc = 0.05 # acceleration
self._pos_est_err = 1000000 # position estimate uncertainty
self._vel_est_err = 1000000 # velocity estimate uncertainty
self._acc_est_err = 2000 # acceleration estimate uncertainty
self._pos_mea_err = 300
self._vel_mea_err = 100
self._acc_mea_err = 4
self._alpha = 1 # converges to 0.32819526927045667
self._beta = 1 # converges to 0.18099751242241782
self._gamma = 0.01 # the acceleration doesn't change much
self._q = 30 # process uncerrainty for position
self._q_v = 4 # process uncertainty for velocity
self._q_a = 2 # process uncertainty for acceleration
self._last_pos = 785
self._measured_velocity = 0
def calc_next(self, zi):
self._measured_velocity = zi - self._last_pos
self._last_pos = zi
#State extrapolation
self._pos = self._pos + self._vel*self._dt + 0.5*self._acc*self._dt**2
self._vel = self._vel + self._acc*self._dt
self._acc = self._acc
#Covariance extrapolation
self._pos_est_err = self._pos_est_err + self._dt**2 * self._vel_est_err + self._q
self._vel_est_err = self._vel_est_err + self._q_v
self._acc_est_err = self._acc_est_err + self._q_a
#Alhpa-beta-gamma update
self._alpha = self._pos_est_err / (self._pos_est_err + self._pos_mea_err)
self._beta = self._vel_est_err / (self._vel_est_err + self._vel_mea_err)
#self._gamma = self._acc_est_err / (self._acc_est_err + self._acc_mea_err)
#State update
pos_prev = self._pos
self._pos = pos_prev + self._alpha*(zi - pos_prev)
self._vel = self._vel + self._beta*((zi - pos_prev)/self._dt)
self._acc = self._acc + self._gamma*((zi - pos_prev) / (0.5*self._dt**2))
#Covariance update
self._pos_est_err = (1-self._alpha)*self._pos_est_err
self._vel_est_err = (1-self._beta)*self._vel_est_err
self._acc_est_err = (1-self._gamma)*self._acc_est_err
return self._pos
I used "Alpha-beta and gamma" values as Kalman gains, since the object (the pink square) is moving and changing its direction.
But how do I write equations for Covariance Extrapolation Equations and Covariance Update Equations?
I'm not sure if I have written them correctly.
import pygame as pg
from random import random,randint
import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm
fps = 0.0
class Projectile():
def __init__(self, background, kalman=None):
self.background = background
self.rect = pg.Rect((800,700),(16,16))
self.px = self.rect.x = self.rect.y
self.dx = 0.0
self.kalm = kalman
def move(self,goal):
if self.kalm:
goal = self.kalm.calc_next(goal)
deltax = np.array(float(goal) - self.px)
mag_delta = norm(deltax)#* 500.0
self.dx += deltax
#if self.dx:
#self.dx /= norm(self.dx) * 50
self.px += self.dx /50.0 += -0.5
self.rect.x = int(self.px)
self.rect.y = int(
class Target():
def __init__(self, background, width):
self.background = background
self.rect = pg.Rect(self.background.get_width()//2-width//2,
50, width, 32)
self.dx = 1 if random() > 0.5 else -1
def move(self):
self.rect.x += self.dx
if self.rect.x < 300 or self.rect.x > self.background.get_width()-300:
self.dx *= -1
def noisy_x_pos(self):
pos = self.rect.x
center = self.rect.width//2
noise = np.random.normal(0,1,1)[0]
return pos + center + noise*300.0
class Kalman():
def __init__(self):
self._dt = 1 # time step
self._pos = 785
self._vel = 1
self._acc = 0.05
self._pos_est_err = 1000000
self._vel_est_err = 1000000
self._acc_est_err = 2000
self._pos_mea_err = 300
self._vel_mea_err = 100
self._acc_mea_err = 4
self._alpha = 1 # converges to 0.32819526927045667
self._beta = 1 # converges to 0.18099751242241782
self._gamma = 0.01 # the acceleration doesn't change much
self._q = 30 # process uncerrainty for position
self._q_v = 4 # process uncertainty for velocity
self._q_a = 2 # process uncertainty for acceleration
self._last_pos = 785
self._measured_velocity = 0
def calc_next(self, zi):
self._measured_velocity = zi - self._last_pos
self._last_pos = zi
#State extrapolation
self._pos = self._pos + self._vel*self._dt + 0.5*self._acc*self._dt**2
self._vel = self._vel + self._acc*self._dt
self._acc = self._acc
#Covariance extrapolation
self._pos_est_err = self._pos_est_err + self._dt**2 * self._vel_est_err + self._q
self._vel_est_err = self._vel_est_err + self._q_v
self._acc_est_err = self._acc_est_err + self._q_a
#Alhpa-beta-gamma update
self._alpha = self._pos_est_err / (self._pos_est_err + self._pos_mea_err)
self._beta = self._vel_est_err / (self._vel_est_err + self._vel_mea_err)
#self._gamma = self._acc_est_err / (self._acc_est_err + self._acc_mea_err)
#State update
pos_prev = self._pos
self._pos = pos_prev + self._alpha*(zi - pos_prev)
self._vel = self._vel + self._beta*((zi - pos_prev)/self._dt)
self._acc = self._acc + self._gamma*((zi - pos_prev) / (0.5*self._dt**2))
#Covariance update
self._pos_est_err = (1-self._alpha)*self._pos_est_err
self._vel_est_err = (1-self._beta)*self._vel_est_err
self._acc_est_err = (1-self._gamma)*self._acc_est_err
return self._pos
w,h = 1600,800
background = pg.display.set_mode((w,h))
surf = pg.surfarray.pixels3d(background)
running = True
clock = pg.time.Clock()
kalman_score = 0
reg_score = 0
iters = 0
count = 0
while running:
target = Target(background, 32)
missile = Projectile(background)
k_miss = Projectile(background,Kalman())
last_x_pos = target.noisy_x_pos
noisy_draw = np.zeros((w,20))
trial = True
iters += 1
while trial:
# Setter en maksimal framerate på 300. Hvis dere vil øke denne er dette en mulig endring
fps = clock.get_fps()
for e in pg.event.get():
if e.type == pg.QUIT:
running = False
surf[:,0:20,0] = noisy_draw
last_x_pos = target.noisy_x_pos()
# print(last_x_pos)
pg.draw.rect(background, (255, 200, 0), missile.rect)
pg.draw.rect(background, (0, 200, 255), k_miss.rect)
pg.draw.rect(background, (255, 200, 255), target.rect)
noisy_draw[int(last_x_pos):int(last_x_pos)+20,:] = 255
noisy_draw -= 1
np.clip(noisy_draw, 0, 255, noisy_draw)
coll = missile.rect.colliderect(target.rect)
k_coll = k_miss.rect.colliderect(target.rect)
if coll:
reg_score += 1
if k_coll:
kalman_score += 1
oob = missile.rect.y < 20
if oob or coll or k_coll:
trial = False
print('kalman score: ', round(kalman_score/iters,2))
print('regular score: ', round(reg_score/iters,2))
count += 1
print("Nr. of tries:", count)
Your covariance update appears correct, but the formula for the position estimate has an error. Consider that your process model is the linear transformation xk = Fk xk-1 (ignoring the noise terms), where xk is a column vector containing self._pos
, self._vel
, and self._acc
, and Fk is the following matrix:
1 ∆t ½∆t²
0 1 ∆t
0 0 1
where ∆t is self._dt
in your code. The formula for the updated covariance matrix Pk|k-1, which in your case is a diagonal matrix, is Pk|k-1 = Fk Pk-1|k-1 FkT + Rk, where Pk-1|k-1 is the previous covariance matrix and Rk is the diagonal covariance matrix reflecting measurement error (i.e., self._pos_mea_err
, self._vel_mea_err
, and self._acc_mea_err
). When you do the matrix multiplications, all the ∆t terms in Fk zero-out because they are not on the diagonal. There should be no ∆t terms in your covariance extrapolation.